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Passion over everything


Are you the creative type? I never thought I was or well I didn’t see myself as creative. Well as it turns out...

k so just to catch you up, I was a welder for 10 years who turned into a Rail Car Mechanic, I know it’s not typical but I am not your typical gal.

i am strong willed, very determined and damn am I passionate. So after years of not being girlie Or feminine due to the type of work I do....a girlfriend said oh Mel take this makeup course with me, now imagine my reaction....”who me? I don’t even wear makeup! I mean I like makeup but I’m not good at it, and what am I gonna do in this makeup course? Duh!!”

Fast am I in love, the gorgeous colours, the blending, lashes, liner and lips oh my....haha

ok so this is the part where I found who I’m meant to be....and it’s crazy to think that it all started in this makeup Thank you to my instructor Sandy Landsborough for unleashing this Inner passion that I never knew I had.

I met so many beautiful women and yes I honestly love all women, but these women who I got to use as my canvas, well they didn’t see the beauty that I could see. All I wanted to do was show them what I could I help them see past their “flaws“ as they would refer to the wrinkles or acne or face fuzz?

I needed to do something more ...

So I went back to school to learn about skincare so I could help them look and feel beautiful.

This is where my dream was born.

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